#Nationalselfcareday  - SELF-CARE IS FOR EVERYDAY!

#Nationalselfcareday - SELF-CARE IS FOR EVERYDAY!

Heeeey there #savagebae 

We know it's been a while since our last blog post! We hope you are doing well, staying safe, rocking your Pretty Curvy Savage mask, and staying healthy!  During this pandemic, if you don't take away anything from all God & the world are revealing. It is to take care of yourself first! You are your #1 top priority. We must continue to break the unhealthy cycles of society, such as not taking time when you need it, or always being the fixer worrying about everyone except you! Like many things.. we do them for so long they become habits that are self-sabotaging and need to be addressed so we can begin creating new and healthy daily habits. So here we have our five top ways you can begin to implement self-care every single day, not just self-care Sundays, Saturdays, or special occasions. Ladies self-care is self-love and in self-love, there is freedom and liberation to be bold, be fierce, be you unapologetically. Join us in creating a healthier lifestyle, screenshot these tips share them with a friend or family member & do something for yourself today!

Five ways to implement self-care into your everyday life


#1. Add something to your everyday routine that you enjoy

This could be anything from listening to your favorite podcast, reading your fav blog, dancing, etc. The goal is to do something every day that you enjoy big or small!

#2. Having a specific day or time for you

Now, this can be your self-care Sunday or any day of the week but setting aside this time is only to ensure you make time for yourself. Maybe you have a really busy week and aren't really prioritizing yourself. This day or set time is all about you and you only!

#3. Finding a hobby

Sounds easy enough and ties back into the first two tips, doing something that you enjoy already or picking up a new hobby. Reading or grab a good book to read, learn a new skill taking a virtual class, pick up that old hobby you've forgotten about.

#4. Take a day off, just because! 

Have you ever just felt like I just need a break? Well, if there ever is a day where maybe you just don't have the energy. That normally is your brain/body communicating to you to slow down and take that break. So don't ever feel guilty if you just want to take an extra day to just be. That is totally normal, well should be the norm. Sis take that day off if your job allows it will be there when you get back. Again YOU, your mental, physical and spiritual health are your top priority! 

#5. Treat yoself! 

Last but not least our favorite TREAT YOURSELF! Listen retail therapy is real LOL. Buy yourself something new, take yourself out on a date! what? Yes take yourself out, treat yourself to a new adventure, or something you been saving up for but holding out. Sometimes we just have to say F it and treat ourselves because we deserve! 

We hope you have found these helpful or simple reminders that you may have needed. Please continue to practice social distancing, self-care, and stay healthy! 

- A. Savage 

xoxo Petty Curvy Savage 

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